Young Family

Young Family

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Update on the move

Ok, so we have scheduled the Uhaul for the 16th of Aug. According to our driving plan we should be in La Grande by the 21st of Aug. This is perfect actually because Amaya's b-day is the 22nd. We probably won't have a party on her b-day but soon after that. Also, we are thinking about a campout over labor day weekend. I don't want anyone to feel pressure to make the trip to La Grande, but if anyone wants to come I think it would be fun. I don't know where we are going to camp because I left that up to Dad, but I am sure it's within driving distance and isn't a hiking thing, I hope!!! So, Todd, Craig, Staci and families if you can't afford to come don't worry about it cause we will have plenty of time to see each other over the next two years. Maybe we could plan something more concrete for Thanksgiving???? Anyway, these are the plans thus far.....

1 comment:

Todd and Camille Hendrickson said...

We are so excited that you are going to be closer especially for the holidays!